Singhania IBDP
  • Click here to check the result of Nursery - Academic Year 2025-2026.

“Krishi Din”

Jul 01, 2024

“Krishi Din”, or “Farmers' Day”, was celebrated with great enthusiasm at Smt. Sunitidevi Singhania School on 1st July, 2024 in the presence of our school Principal Mrs. Lakshmi Madhusudan Madam and the TMC officials, Mrs. Anagha Kadam - Deputy Municipal Commissioner and Mrs. Manisha Pradhan - Chief Environmental Officer. The event aimed to honor the hard work and dedication of farmers and to raise awareness about the importance of agriculture in our society. The day marks the beginning of Van Mahotsav too. The event commenced with “Dindi”.Students of Grade 6 and 7 strived to spread awareness about the importance of trees and forests in our lives through charts and slogans. The students had come in a traditional attire displaying their love and respect towards our culture. The students were involved in tree planting. They did Pooja to Tulsi plant which has been given a status of Goddess in our culture. Students also learnt about the massive effort of the farmers through activities related to environmental conservation. The guests motivated students by words of appreciation and encouragement.


Click here to check the result of Nursery - Academic Year 2025-2026.