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Debate Competition for Std. 9 Students at Smt. Sunitidevi Singhania School Smt. Sunitidevi Singhania School recently hosted a debate competition for Std. 9 students, with the topic "Homeschooling vs. Traditional Schooling: Which Path Leads to a Better Education?" The competition was divided into two rounds, with the first round featuring Vindhya and Himachal houses, and the second round showcasing Yamuna and Ganga houses. The debate competition was an exciting event, with all four houses presenting their arguments and counterarguments with confidence and conviction. The students had clearly researched the topic thoroughly, and their preparation was evident in their articulate and well-structured speeches. The judges were impressed by the students' confidence, poise, and public speaking skills. After the first two rounds, Vindhya and Yamuna houses emerged as the winners, with their students demonstrating exceptional debating skills and a deep understanding of the topic. The judges were thrilled to see the students' performances and appreciated their efforts. After the completion of the first two rounds, the judges provided feedback to the students, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses. They appreciated the students' good points and also pointed out areas for improvement, offering guidance on how to correct their mistakes. This constructive feedback will help the students to refine their debating skills and prepare for the final round. The final round of the debate competition will be held soon, featuring Vindhya and Yamuna houses. The students are eagerly looking forward to this opportunity to showcase their debating skills and argue their points. We wish them the best of luck and look forward to an exciting and informative final round!